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English Language Learners

Linguistic Heritage Month

A student whose home language is not English, as shown on the district home language survey, after consultation with the family is administered an English language proficiency assessment. If deemed necessary based on the assessment results, the student receives ELL services. 
Parents have the option to request a waiver to attend mainstream classes without ELL support/sheltered instruction. Information regarding this process can be obtained by contacting the ELL Coordinator.
Students are eligible to exit the ELL program once state and local assessments indicate that a transitional level of English proficiency has been achieved. Upon exiting, students are monitored for four years to ensure appropriate transition into the mainstream classroom setting. Should the student demonstrate a need for English language support, s/he may be accepted back into the ELL program.
For information regarding the ELL program, translation of written material, scheduling a translator for a meeting, entrance and exiting procedures, and the rights of families of English Language Learner students, please call the District ELL Coordinator at (413) 655-0146.